
In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and the continual expansion of the digital realm, the BAPS Swaminarayan Research Journal is dedicated to upholding the essential tenets of academic integrity within our scholarly community. This Academic Integrity Policy is foundational in reaffirming our unwavering commitment to fostering honesty, trustworthiness, and intellectual rigor among our authors, reviewers, and readers.

Plagiarism, a persistent concern, has been further complicated by the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in academic research. This policy not only addresses traditional forms of plagiarism but also provides guidelines for the ethical utilization of AI tools and technologies, recognizing their potential to enhance or compromise academic integrity. By establishing clear expectations and outlining consequences for violations, we aim to create an environment where academic excellence and ethical conduct mutually reinforce one another. In doing so, we prepare our scholarly community to navigate the ever-evolving digital age while preserving the values of integrity and original scholarship. Together, we ensure that academic excellence and integrity remain central to the mission and vision of the BAPS Swaminarayan Research Journal.

Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism constitutes the act of utilizing someone else's concepts, verbiage, images, creative expressions, or intellectual creations without providing due acknowledgment or obtaining the requisite authorization.

This encompasses, but is not confined to, the following:

  1. Reproducing content from a source, whether published or unpublished, through the act of copying and pasting, without adhering to proper citation protocols.
  2. Rearticulating or rephrasing another individual's work without acknowledging the original source.
  3. Incorporating images, graphics, or multimedia materials without securing the necessary permissions or failing to attribute the rightful creators.
  4. Presenting the ideas or research discoveries of another person as one's own intellectual property.
  5. Submitting work generated by others as if it were one's own, spanning essays, reports, code, designs, and similar undertakings.
  6. Engaging in collaboration or receiving assistance on individual works that are identified as creations of individual effort.
  7. Self-plagiarism, which transpires when one reuses their previously submitted work without the requisite citation or permission.
  8. The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) or any automated tools to create submissions as delineated in the Policy on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Please refer to the specific AI policy for details).

The BAPS Swaminarayan Research Journal places paramount importance on maintaining the integrity of scholarly pursuits and expects all contributors to adhere to these principles of academic honesty.

Policy on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The BAPS Swaminarayan Research Journal recognizes the increasing role of artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields of research and acknowledges the need for clear guidelines regarding its use in academic content submissions. The purpose of this policy is to maintain the integrity, authenticity, and ethical standards of the journal's publications while allowing for the responsible use of AI in research design and methods when necessary. This policy aims to ensure transparency, reproducibility, and proper attribution in cases where AI is employed in academic content, while also prohibiting its use in artistic content production to preserve the unique human creativity inherent in such endeavors. By establishing these guidelines, we aim to strike a balance between technological innovation and academic integrity within our scholarly community.

General Prohibition

The BAPS Swaminarayan Research Journal strictly prohibits the use of generative AI or AI-assisted tools for creating, altering, or enhancing any content submitted for publication. This includes but is not limited to text, images, figures, or any other forms of academic content. The use of AI in this manner may compromise the authenticity, originality, and ethical standards that the journal upholds.

Image Adjustments

Authors are permitted to make basic adjustments to images, such as brightness, contrast, or color balance, provided that these adjustments do not obscure, eliminate, or introduce any information not present in the original image.

AI in Research Design or Methods

The exception to the general prohibition is when the use of AI or AI-assisted tools is an integral part of the research design or research methods, such as in AI-assisted imaging techniques for generating or interpreting underlying research data. In such cases, authors must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Disclosure: Authors must transparently describe the use of AI or AI-assisted tools in the methods section of the manuscript. This description should explain how AI was employed in the image creation or alteration process, including details such as the model or tool name, version, extension numbers, and manufacturer.
  2. Attribution: Authors are responsible for ensuring that they comply with the specific usage policies of the AI software used and appropriately attribute the AI-generated content in the manuscript.
  3. Raw Data Submission: Authors may be required to provide the pre-AI-adjusted versions of images and/or the original raw images used to create the final submitted versions. These materials may be requested for editorial assessment.

Artwork Production

The use of generative AI or AI-assisted tools in the creation of artwork, such as graphical abstracts, is prohibited for submissions to the BAPS Swaminarayan Research Journal. Submitted artistic content should be entirely produced by human creators without the involvement of AI technologies.

Authors and contributors are expected to adhere to this policy to maintain the journal's commitment to academic integrity and ethical research standards. Any violation of this policy may result in appropriate actions, including the rejection of the manuscript or other suitable measures deemed necessary.

Ways we Will Check for Plagiarism and Unauthorized AI Content Creation

To uphold the standards of academic integrity and ensure compliance with our AI usage policy, the BAPS Swaminarayan Research Journal will employ the following methods for detecting AI usage in submitted manuscripts:

  1. Manual Review: Our editorial team will conduct a comprehensive manual review of submitted manuscripts, including all textual content, figures, and images. This review will involve a close examination of any alterations or content that may indicate the involvement of AI or AI-assisted tools.
  2. Disclosure Verification: Authors are required to transparently disclose the use of AI or AI-assisted tools in their research methods or design. Our editorial team will cross-verify these disclosures against the manuscript's content and methods to ensure consistency and transparency.
  3. Visual Analysis: For images and figures, we will employ visual analysis techniques to detect any irregularities or patterns that may suggest AI-generated or altered content. This may include identifying unusual visual artifacts or inconsistencies.
  4. AI Content Detection Software: Utilize AI content detection tools to identify similarities between submitted assignments and known AI-generated content, further enhancing our ability to detect potential AI usage.
  5. Plagiarism Detection Software: Utilize plagiarism detection tools to identify similarities between submitted assignments and known instances of plagiarism or academic misconduct. These tools will assess the manuscript's text and compare it to a vast database of academic and non-academic sources to identify any instances of unoriginal content.
  6. Comparison with AI Databases: We may compare submitted content with known AI-generated databases or datasets to identify potential matches or similarities, especially in cases of image or text generation.

It is imperative that authors provide transparent and accurate disclosures regarding the use of AI in their research, as any detected violations of our AI usage policy may lead to further scrutiny and potential consequences, as outlined in our Plagiarism Policy. Through these checks and verifications, we aim to maintain the integrity and ethical standards of our scholarly publications while fostering responsible AI usage within our academic community.

Consequences of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is a serious breach of academic integrity that undermines the core principles of honesty and originality upheld by the BAPS Swaminarayan Research Journal. To ensure the consistent enforcement of academic integrity, this policy outlines the consequences for individuals found guilty of plagiarism, with a focus on educating and promoting ethical scholarship.

I. Initial Warning:

In cases where plagiarism is suspected or detected for the first time, the following steps shall be taken:

  1. Investigation: The editorial team or designated authority shall conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged plagiarism, taking into consideration the nature and extent of the violation.
  2. Communication: If plagiarism is considered to have likely occurred, the involved individual will be issued an initial warning. This warning serves as an opportunity for education and underscores the significance of academic integrity within our community.
  3. Documentation: A record of the warning will be maintained by the journal's administrative body for future reference.

II. Second Violation:

For individuals who commit plagiarism beyond the initial warning, the consequences will escalate. In the event of a second violation of the plagiarism policy, the individual will be subject to the following actions:

  1. Investigation: The editorial team or designated authority shall conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged plagiarism, taking into consideration the nature and extent of the violation.
  2. Communication: If plagiarism is considered to have likely occurred, the involved individual will be issued a second warning. This warning serves as an opportunity for education and underscores the significance of academic integrity within our community.
  3. Documentation: A record of the warning will be maintained by the journal's administrative body for future reference.

III. Third Violation

In cases where an individual commits plagiarism for the third time, the individual will be subject to the following actions:

  1. Suspension of Publication Privileges: In the event of a second violation of the plagiarism policy, the individual's publication privileges with the BAPS Swaminarayan Research Journal will be suspended for a period determined by the editorial team or designated authority. By temporarily restricting publication privileges, we demonstrate our commitment to upholding academic standards and provide an opportunity for individuals to reflect on and rectify their actions while safeguarding the quality and trustworthiness of the journal's content.
  2. Documentation: A record of the third violation will be maintained by the journal's administrative body.
  3. Notification: The journal may also notify the individual's affiliated institution, if applicable, regarding the repeated violations.

The BAPS Swaminarayan Research Journal is committed to fostering a culture of academic integrity and ethical scholarship. This policy, with its emphasis on education and deterrence through warnings, seeks to support individuals in rectifying their actions while upholding the principles of honesty and originality within our scholarly community.

Revision of the Plagiarism Policy

The BAPS Swaminarayan Research Journal reserves the right to revise and update this Plagiarism Policy as necessary to align with evolving academic standards and best practices. All contributors are expected to adhere to the most current version of the policy in effect at the time of their submission, publication, or involvement with the journal. It is the responsibility of all contributors to remain informed about any revisions or updates made to this policy, as continued compliance is essential to maintaining the integrity of the journal's academic standards and ethical principles.

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