The Principle of Mukti in the Satsaṅgadīkṣā in Light of the Prasthānatrayī Svāminārāyaṇabhāṣya and the Vacanāmṛta


Within the darśanic systems, the principle of liberation (mukti) is established upon revelation expressed within ancient Vedic texts. It is also an accepted principle among all Indian philosophical systems. There is vast and diverse literature on mukti, suggesting the significance, relevance, and diversity of its nature, implications, and related practices.
Traditional and contemporary philosophers, researchers, and scholars have outlined diverse understandings of the nature, means, and form of liberation. Although their descriptions are essential for comprehending their unique perspectives, they are often challenging to position within the larger darśanic frameworks in which they exist. For instance, specific readings of Advaita Vedānta falsify the world’s existence yet problematically accept jīvanmukti—the state of liberation while being alive. Alternatively, some devotional (bhakti) traditions advocate experiencing the supreme bliss of the Divine while living yet deny the possibility of jīvanmukti and accept only videhamukti—liberation attained after death.
This paper aims to study the Akṣara-Puruṣottama Darśana, which acknowledges the significance of bhakti, accepts both jīvanmukti, and videhamukti and positions its understanding of liberation within the previous discussions. This work explores the Darśana’s understanding of both forms of mukti from the Satsaṅgadīkṣā, a principal text of the tradition. Readings from the Satsaṅgadīkṣā mentioned in this work are substantiated by relevant expositions from the recently authored Prasthānatrayī Svāminārāyaṇabhāṣya—an extensive and comprehensive Sanskrit commentary on the Upaniṣads, Bhagavadgītā, and the Brahmasūtras—and the Vacanāmṛta, a chronological collection of the teachings of Bhagavān

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How to Cite

Gyanananddas Swami. (2023). The Principle of Mukti in the Satsaṅgadīkṣā in Light of the Prasthānatrayī Svāminārāyaṇabhāṣya and the Vacanāmṛta. The BAPS Swaminarayan Research Journal, 2(1), 7–48. Retrieved from

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